all postcodes in CB10 / SAFFRON WALDEN

find any address or company within the CB10 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB10 2AA 12 0 52.025219 0.245865
CB10 2AB 11 1 52.024344 0.247891
CB10 2AD 33 0 52.026139 0.247121
CB10 2AE 14 0 52.024857 0.24831
CB10 2AG 32 0 52.024104 0.249613
CB10 2AH 48 0 52.024468 0.251745
CB10 2AJ 13 1 52.025476 0.25407
CB10 2AL 22 1 52.025764 0.254026
CB10 2AN 46 0 52.027689 0.255887
CB10 2AP 49 0 52.026665 0.254421
CB10 2AQ 23 0 52.025097 0.250815
CB10 2AR 25 0 52.026592 0.253528
CB10 2AS 41 0 52.026234 0.250638
CB10 2AT 27 1 52.025222 0.24948
CB10 2AU 4 0 52.025429 0.249476
CB10 2AW 17 0 52.027356 0.256351
CB10 2AX 46 0 52.026375 0.249377
CB10 2AY 44 0 52.027861 0.258169
CB10 2AZ 23 0 52.02706 0.252079
CB10 2BA 67 0 52.026008 0.245525